A Weekend Outing

So today my family and I decided to go out and do something for the weekend. We didn't exactly know what that "something" would be but, we were ready for an adventure.
After sitting in the parking lot of a restaurant debating where we should go, we finally decided on going to look at a local state park. We had looked around at the state park and were leaving when I had noticed this wall downtown that had the print of an old warehouse logo on the side. So, knowing me, we had to stop and get the "perfect" picture. Throughout the day we had looked at another state park and were finally heading home when a storm was approaching which made some really beautiful scenery. Later, my mom and I went shopping and came across a rustic-looking barn where we took some more pictures and had a "photo-shoot" which was a lot of fun. Today was a great day and I hope tomorrow will be another. ♥



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