1 Year Blogiversary!

It's official! Today is the one year blogiversary of My life as Maddie. One year ago today I decided to start a blog and now (after typing, tweaking, and re-designing) we are here.
When I decided to start a blog I had no idea of what I wanted it to look like or be about. To be honest, I still don't think I totally know. Throughout this year there have been many changes to the design and content of my blog and I am finally at a stage where I can say I am proud of how it has turned out. If you have been here from the beginning you would know that it has been a journey getting here. This year has been a fun learning experience for me and I am very happy that I decided to begin this new chapter in my life. The most important aspect of this whole thing is: you-the readers. Without you all we wouldn't be here where we are today. You all have made this a fun experience and have gone through it all with me and I thank you. I am excited to see what the next years have in store for everyone and I hope you will continue with me on this exciting journey. Thank you again. ♥

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7



  1. Congrats on your anniversary! I passed mine as well earlier this month, so I know how special and rewarding it is. Best wishes for another amazing year ahead!
    - Sanjana

    1. Thank you so much, Sanjana! Congrats on yours as well! Thanks for reading and commenting. ♥


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