Last-Minute DIY Jelly Bean Halloween Costume

Did you know this costume was posted on Daily Mail? Check the article out here

Halloween is in two days and and November is in three?!! How did this happen? Since Halloween has arrived upon us quickly and I know that other people struggle with this issue, today I wanted to share a last-minute DIY Halloween costume. I know you have heard of those people that wait until the last-minute (sometimes the day of Halloween) to pick out a costume and there is nothing wrong with that if you are one of those people it just means that you like to not stress yourself out and like to be spontaneous;), so for those of you who relate to this and have yet to figure out what you are going to wear or already know what you're wearing but are looking for an idea for next year than I think I have just what you are looking for and today I will be sharing with you just how to make it.

First things first, you'll need:
- Balloons (assorted colors, oblong-shape preferred)
- Large clear trash bag
- Ribbon
- Printer
- Tape
- Scissors

Now, in order to make it:
1. Cut leg and arm holes in trash bag.
2. Print off Jelly Bean logo. Tape it to inside of trash bag.
3. Blow up balloons.
4. Place them in trash bag.
5. Tie a bow around neck of bag.
6. You're done!

See? This costume is very easy to make and perfect for a last-minute DIY. I know that this costume is getting more and more popular and I can see why. It's easy and cute!

If you wanted to do something extra with the costume you could also tape the logo to a headband or wear some colorful socks. You could even carry around some real jelly beans!

If you try out this costume then make sure to tweet me a picture. I would love to see how it turned out! If you are planning on wearing something else then leave a comment down below telling me what you are going to be. Also, I hope everyone has a safe and good Halloween! Thanks for reading! ♥



  1. I did use that in Halloween! It was very fun, all of my friends loved. Thank you so much 💛💛🤗🤗🤗🤗

    1. I'm so glad it worked out for you!


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