I'm Back! (Relaunch Announcement + Reader Survey)
Hey you! Long time no talk! I have pretty much been MIA on here for the past month but don't fret because I am back and plan to get back on schedule. A few things have changed so let me catch you up...
The reason I was gone for so long is because of a few things 1. I wanted to take a short break 2. I had been busy with life things and 3. I wanted to change a few things about the blog. I had my senior pictures, 18th birthday, worked on internships, and had a few events/tasks to do and go to. I also have been really working on the launch of my business and wanted to change up a few things about the blog during this time. I always change my mind and see things that I want to change up so it shouldn't be too surprising that I did though, haha. I changed the theme and fonts, and the logo. You might have noticed some of these changes around the blog.
All in all, I began thinking that it might be a good time to 'relaunch' the blog and give it a face-lift. I hadn't been posting for a while, wanted to change the design, and my motivation grew to begin working on it again. After much consideration and thinking, I decided to come back with more of a bang and make it a full relaunch so that's what I am doing.
It has a new face, improved design, and a motivated blogger behind it all. I plan to get back on track, stick more-so ;) with a schedule, and put the work back into running it. I am happy to be saying welcome to the new-and-improved My life as Madalyn.
As I relaunch I want to hear from you. I made a blog reader survey for all readers so that I can gain a better understanding of what you do and do not like about the blog and any comments you may have about it. If you take the time to respond it would be really helpful and greatly appreciated. There are less than 10 questions, it should only take you a few minutes, and you can answer anonymously.
Click here to answer the survey.
So now that the blog is officially launched be prepared for some more content and new changes. The next post should go up on Wednesday and, for those that don't know, the posting schedule is Sunday and Wednesday.
I am excited about this new chapter of the blog and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it as well! ♥

The reason I was gone for so long is because of a few things 1. I wanted to take a short break 2. I had been busy with life things and 3. I wanted to change a few things about the blog. I had my senior pictures, 18th birthday, worked on internships, and had a few events/tasks to do and go to. I also have been really working on the launch of my business and wanted to change up a few things about the blog during this time. I always change my mind and see things that I want to change up so it shouldn't be too surprising that I did though, haha. I changed the theme and fonts, and the logo. You might have noticed some of these changes around the blog.
All in all, I began thinking that it might be a good time to 'relaunch' the blog and give it a face-lift. I hadn't been posting for a while, wanted to change the design, and my motivation grew to begin working on it again. After much consideration and thinking, I decided to come back with more of a bang and make it a full relaunch so that's what I am doing.
It has a new face, improved design, and a motivated blogger behind it all. I plan to get back on track, stick more-so ;) with a schedule, and put the work back into running it. I am happy to be saying welcome to the new-and-improved My life as Madalyn.
As I relaunch I want to hear from you. I made a blog reader survey for all readers so that I can gain a better understanding of what you do and do not like about the blog and any comments you may have about it. If you take the time to respond it would be really helpful and greatly appreciated. There are less than 10 questions, it should only take you a few minutes, and you can answer anonymously.
Click here to answer the survey.
So now that the blog is officially launched be prepared for some more content and new changes. The next post should go up on Wednesday and, for those that don't know, the posting schedule is Sunday and Wednesday.
I am excited about this new chapter of the blog and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it as well! ♥

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