Where I've Been + College Courses I'm Taking

Well hello. It has been over a month since my last post. I don't realize until later that I haven't posted in a while. Life has changed a little bit and new chapters are unfolding. As much as I enjoy writing blog posts, it has been nice getting to take the extra time to focus on where I am in life and where I want to go.

I know, I know, let's not get philosophical but it really has been nice to direct my attention to something new for a change. I have started my first year of college, I am involving myself in church more, and I have had time to just relax and live life without thinking about things that need to be done.

Since the last time I have posted I have:
- helped with a video marketing shoot with a local business
- spent time with family
- went to a couple amusement parks
- started going to a bible study at church
- added new arrivals to the store (check it out here!!)
- tried out the 21 Day Fix health plan
- finally got my phone screen fixed (which was way overdue)
- went back to school shopping
- started college

I also am going to be a small group leader for the student ministry at church. I am excited to be able to serve more and I'm excited to see how the Lord uses us in this new adventure.

I am writing this after I have gone through my first week of class and it has been busy to say the least. I am taking 14 credit hours with a total of 5 classes. This semester I am taking Biology, Speech, U.S. History, Composition, and Effective Learning which is a course that helps you succeed in college. I have 2 classes a day Monday-Thursday and I am taking Biology online. I thought that it would be nice to have Fridays off but this Friday I spent all day working on homework. :/ I have a busy schedule but the first week went pretty well.

I want to start posting on my regular schedule again though. Even if I have to pre-schedule some posts I still want to get back to posting. Even though I should give myself credit because of how busy I am it is still sad for me to think about how I haven't posted. I have put so much work into this blog and I definitely do not want it to slowly step out of my life. This blog is the OG and I want to be able to work more on it like I would like to.

Thanks for listening to this little story of my life and I hope to be back soon. I would enjoy hearing about how your life is going or hear about new things happening in your life. Leave a comment down below with anything and I will be happy to chat with you. ♥



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